1. 認清我司唯一的官方網址:www.mpstw.com.
2. 找到網站的首頁,底部位置,有一個區塊編注:【防偽查詢】或者直接點擊本文字超鏈接》》https://cn315.qs12315.com/
Due to the upgrade and development of our brand - Taiwan MPS, some of our defense products have emerged in the market.
Below, the editor will teach you how to inspect genuine products:
1. Recognize our company's only official website: www.mpstw.com
This is the only official website of Taiwan MPS, where you can see the full range of products produced by our company
Entering the anti-counterfeiting query, the following page appears
如果是正品,将会出现:【您好,您查询的产品信息如下:品牌:MPS 产地:台湾】这一段文字
3. 这个方法也可以在微信公众号里面进行查询
4. 可以发送邮件到我司官方信箱:qws@mpstw.com 或电话联系020-34830770
All of our genuine products will have anti-counterfeiting codes on the box. Scratching off the coating will result in an 18 digit number. Enter this string of numbers into the text box,
If it is genuine, the following text will appear: [Hello, the product information you inquired about is as follows: Brand: MPS Origin: Taiwan]
3. This method can also be queried on WeChat official account
Official official account: MPS video cable
4. You can send an email to our official mailbox: qws@mpstw.com Or contact 020-34830770 by phone
Of course, you can also purchase from our Tmall store: https://mpssgp.tmall.com