為期三天的 SIAV 2020於10月25日圓滿落幕了。上海高級HIFI演示會(SIAV),到今年已經第28個年頭了,也是MPS參加上海高級HIFI演示會的第六個年頭。
“當Hi-Fi遇上當代藝術,遇上文藝的生活美學” 我們努力推廣中產階級能輕鬆擁有並享受雅緻的生活美學,美好的家 ----- 能輕鬆消費的正版原創藝術品,文創器物 ----- 這點從消費支出而言,就與豪車及頂級音響有著極其顯著的不同。支出不同,但是美學享受相似。
The three-day SIAV 2020 came to a successful conclusion on October 25th. The Shanghai Advanced HIFI Demonstration Conference (SIAV) is already 28 years old this year, and it is also the sixth year for MPS to participate in the Shanghai Advanced HIFI Demonstration Conference.
This exhibition will be held simultaneously from October 23rd to 25th at Shanghai Jinjiang Hotel, Shanghai New Jinjiang Hotel, and Shanghai Garden Hotel. It will be held by colleagues from two five-star hotels in the city center, with over 1000 brands and over 300 manufacturers. It is the largest audio-visual feast in history.
When Hi Fi encounters contemporary art and the aesthetic of literary life, we strive to promote the elegant aesthetic of life that the middle class can easily possess and enjoy. A beautiful home - genuine original artworks and cultural and creative objects that can be easily consumed - in terms of consumption expenditure, this is extremely different from luxury cars and top tier sound